
2017年2月7日 星期二

Qt VLC lib Testing for how to use (Not For Tutorial)

Qt VLC Lib installation testing (Not For Tutorial just for Testing Processing)

If you want the immediately work, see the bottom of the article.

Qt VLC lib Sample Code Simple Player setting

This article is referenced by the vlc-qt GitHub,

You should know:

This tutorial is just for quick using. It just tell how to quickly use the sample code, because I could not figure out the problem of the cmake or qmake error, the environment can not be build for your own computer environment.

2017年2月6日 星期一

Boost C++ Libraries build liberary bjam


原本是想用網路上的一個Open Source Program 讀取 IPCam的,才偶然查到需要Link Boost C++ Libraries.  雖然碰C++ 有六年了,但卻是第一次聽到這個東西,目前說起來還不知道這的東西強大的地方在哪邊,需要好好深入了解才能知道了。